selectrow('<window name>', '<table name>', '<value of row in first column>')
Selects the row in table whose first column's(0th column) value is same as the contents of the third argument in the function call, check for partial match if set to true, default is false.
1 | on success and 0 on error. |
Refer: Linux: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ldtp/ldtp2/tree/ldtpd/table.py
Mac: https://github.com/ldtp/pyatom/blob/master/atomac/ldtpd/table.py
Windows: https://github.com/ldtp/cobra/blob/master/Ldtpd/Tree.cs
from ldtp import *
With respect to gedit open dialog
selectrow('dlgOpen', 'dlgFiles', 'readme')