stateenabled('<window name>', '<component name>')
Checks the radio button object state enabled or not
1 | if state is enabled, else 0. |
Refer: Linux: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ldtp/ldtp2/tree/ldtpd/core.py
Mac: https://github.com/ldtp/pyatom/blob/master/atomac/ldtpd/core.py
Windows: https://github.com/ldtp/cobra/blob/master/Ldtpd/Generic.cs
Push button: With respect to gedit Open dialog, this function checks open button state enabled or not
stateenabled('dlgOpenFile', 'btnOpen')
Radio button: With respect to gedit Print dialog, this function cheks the 'All' radio button state is enabled or not
stateenabled('Print', 'All')
Check box: With respect to gedit Print dialog, this function cheks the 'Reverse' check box state is enabled or not
stateenabled('Print', 'Reverse')