generatemouseevent(x, y [,'<options>'])
Functionality of generatemouseevent, generates the default(left click) or specified mouse event in the given X and Y coordinates.
This functionality depends on screen resolution / coordinates. Also the event will be generated on the currently focused window.
b1c - Left button click
b2c - Middle button click
b3c - Right button click
b1d - Left button double click
b2d - Middle button double click
b3d - Right button double click
abs - absolute motion
rel - relative motion
b1p - Button 1 press
b1r - Button 1 release
b3p - Button 3 press
b3r - Button 3 release
Used SPI_generateMouseEvent to generate the mouse events.
Returns | 1 on success, LdtpExecutionError exception will be thrown on failure |
Refer: Linux: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/ldtp/ldtp2/tree/ldtpd/mouse.py
Mac: https://github.com/ldtp/pyatom/blob/master/atomac/ldtpd/mouse.py
Windows: https://github.com/ldtp/cobra/blob/master/Ldtpd/Mouse.cs
generatemouseevent(100, 200)
generatemouseevent(100, 200, "b1d") # Generate double click event