To operate on a tree table object and based on your requirement, you can use any of these functions
checkrow - Tick the table cell row of type toggle button
doesrowexist - Checks whether the row with the given name exist
doubleclick - Generate double click event on the component
doubleclickrow - Generate double click event on the row which matches the given name
doubleclickrowindex - Generate double click event on the row which matches the given index
expandtablecell - Expand or collapse tree table
getcellsize - Get the table cell size
getcellvalue - Get the table cell value
getrowcount - Get the rows count
multiselect - Select multiple rows with the given names
multiremove - Unselect multiple rows with the given names
rightclick - Generate right click event
selectlastrow - Select last row in the table
selectrow - Select a row with the given name
selectrowindex - Select a row with an index
selectrowpartialmatch - Select a row with the given partial name
setcellvalue - Set the table cell value with the given value
singleclickrow - Generate single click event on the row with matches the given name
uncheckrow - Un check the table cell of type toggle button
verifycheckrow - Verify whether the table cell of type toggle button is ticked
verifytablecell - Verify whether the cell value is same as the given value
verifypartialtablecell - Verify whether the cell value partially matches the given value
verifyuncheckrow - Verify whether the table cell of type toggle button is un-ticked